ICT Reference

A collection of notes that I found useful when working in ICT helpdesk.


When I was in high school, I had to take an introductory programming class which used Turbo Pascal and Visual Basic. That piqued my interest in coding, so I borrowed a book from the library about HTML and dabbled in making websites for fun, uploading my amateurish creations to the now-defunct GeoCities. Despite my interest in playing around with making basic websites, the Asian-family pressure to chase a well-paying job, and my lack of confidence in my IT skills, I ended up pursuing accounting as a career. Long story short, my career plans did not work out.

I ended up working in a few entry level jobs, eventually ending up at a service desk job where I handled enquiries relating to mobile phone services. To make my life a little bit easier, I made a website, with the HTML and other files stored locally on my work computer. The website contained reference information, frequently used code/templates that I put in text fields that were set to highlight all with one click for easy copy/paste, links to websites I used for work, a Javascript-based GST calculator and other tools. In response to colleagues asking me how to do some of the more complicated tasks, I copied the website onto our team's Sharepoint, whipped up code for a CSS/Javascript slideshow to create step-by-step guides with screenshots. I used to write these guides in Word documents and save as PDF files to share with colleagues, but I found it was too much scrolling and not as user-friendly.

After a few years, I took up an opportunity for secondment in an ICT helpdesk role. As someone with no formal qualifications in IT, I learned on the job, shadowing my colleagues, asking lots of questions, and a lot of Googling. There was a lot to learn, and I worried that I could not remember it all, so tried to note everything down on my website. My colleagues also keep their own notes and references, but they use OneNote. I'm not a fan of the way OneNote automatically formats content, so even though it's more effort, I much prefer keeping my notes in HTML files.

Due to the niche nature of my previous jobs, the information in my website for those jobs was very job-specific, relating to systems that would only be used by someone working for the same ISP in the same specific role. But in my current ICT helpdesk role, the information I've been collecting is more generic, such as how to create a new user in Microsoft 365 admin center. So I thought I would share my notes publicly on my personal website. I hope that other budding ICT helpdesk people find it useful.

This is not intended to be an in-depth comprehensive guide. I intentionally excluded screenshots to keep things compact because the idea was to use this as a quick reference for my work tasks. Minus any confidential information, this website is mostly identical to the one I use at work. And it's green because that's my favourite colour. I continually add to my work website as a learn new things, and aim to mirror what I can on this website.